Saturday, December 8, 2012

Baradanga mela at srikhanda

Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu going to Baradanga temple in a holy religious procession by khandabasi in this festival.This is the tithi when Sri Narahari Sarkar became invisible to the gross material eyes of the world.  As many of you know, Narahari Thakur had a special mood towards Gauranga Mahaprabhu. About 450 years ago this holy festival was  laid by by Shree Shree Raghunandan Thakur and Shree Shree Nibas Acharya Prabhu  and in the active presence of  Shree Shree Nityanandya Prabhu.Today is the tirobhav tithi.Today this holy festival was organized by Srikhanda Madhumati samity.
Here are a video of this festival during
procession and a small view of this holy village fair.


mahaprabhu going to srikhanda baradanga temple

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