Jhulan yatra is the celebration on the Radha-Krishna swing festival.over this period in the auspicious sacred month of Shravana (July-Aug) this festival was used to organized.According to our Bengali culture these day also called jhulan purnima.Here are some where you see how we celebrate Jhulan Yatra ( Jhulan Purnima).
Mahaprabhu at srikhanda thakurbari during jhulan yatra |
The Students of Srikhanda also celebrate this Jhulan purnima festival.
Here some picture which showing how they celebrate this.
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jhulan purnima celebrated by srikhanda boys |
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jhulan celebrated by srikhanda boys |
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jhulan jatra celebrated by srikhanda boys |
Like in the past Jhulan Jatra
festival has been observed on 20th August Srikhanda thakurabari in a
befitting manner. On the said occasion the temple of thakur bari was well
decorated. Kirtan song has been demonstrated by Sri Prakashananda Thakur and
his followers in the evening and it was highly appreciated. After completition of this kirtan song.Prasad was distributed among the
Present peoples.
প্রতি বছরের মত এবারেও শ্রীখণ্ড ঠাকুরবাড়ি তে ঝুলন যাত্রা পালিত হয়।শ্রীখণ্ড মাঝের বাড়ি শ্রী শ্রী রাধা মদনমোহন মন্দিরে এই উৎসব পালন করা হয়। এই উপলক্ষে ঠাকুরবাড়ি খুব সুন্দর ভাবে সাজানো হয়। সন্ধ্যার সময় ঠাকুরবাড়িতে কীর্তন এর আয়োজন করা হয় ও শেষে প্রসাদ বিতরণ করা হয়। নীচে কিছু ছবি দেওয়া হল। আশা করি আপনাদের ভাল লাগবে।
Kirtan during Jhulan yatra festival at srikhanda thakurbari |
Interaction between Anupam Thakur and Dilip Kumar Roy |
Bhakta brinda during kirtan |
A full view of kirtan at thakurbari |
President of Srikhanda Madhumati Samity Prakashananda Thakur (in middle) |
Madan Roy with Mahaprabhu |
a snap during kirtan at srikhanda thakurbari |
Anupam Thakur during Jhulan yatra festival at srikhanda |
srikhanda majher bari natmandir |
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Prasad bitaran korchen Anupam Thakur ar Sourav Thakur |
Mahaprabhu & Gopinath at Jhulan yatra |
Jhulan Purnima at srikhanda Thakurbari |
Jhulan Purnima festival at srikhanda |
Mahaprabhu |
Mahaprabhu at srikhanda thakurbari during jhulan yatra |
Jhulan Purnima at srikhanda Thakurbari |
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Naraharir Bhajan kutir during jhulan yatra |